Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A great day

What a day it has been. I was quite depressed to go to work today. I was dealing with a post-sales issue, its never been fun to deal with post-sales issues. Takes time, its very unpredictable. As the day wore out, things improved, and lo behold I was the champion, sorted the customer out. Its always been my passion to help these great scientist, designers to resolve their problems.

Class on Macroeconomics was fun, learning the Aggregate Expense Model and how it effects the economy.

Spoke with Mr Mahendra Jape, a school friend after 20 years, wow it was great, school friends relive the journey with you, its great to talk to school friends. Jape, used to sit right behind me in exams, and one cannot really forget him. He is doing well for himself, and gave me news on a lot of old buddies, all of whom are doing well. To quote him, 87 batch was a sea of great talent at Don Bosco Matunga. I echo his words, Don Bosco was the best years spent and a great education. Stood the stead of time.

Will connect with Tejas Parekh another school buddy (It's been a season of old buddies) in August for a outing or a drink, while I attend school at USF. I am quite happy about my admissions at USF and the MSFA program

Reading a Value Investing Book, the beginning is well written, I don't know how the book will progress, I have to finish all the three financial magazines and the book "Crash Course in Marketing" by the next weekend, that's my goal.

Today, has been a day of goals because I jotted down a lot of goals

one of which is

1 to be confident, I am inwardly very confident, but I don't come across as one. I am going to work on that
2 To join a financial field in the next one year.

3 Pass the CFA exam by end of the year.

Look for me tomorrow.

Ce la vie
